You’re likely all aware by now that we have introduced a renewed brand for our union. This visual identity is a long overdue reflection of you. As members. As ONA.
The look and attitude are bold, bright and badass. It’s an identity built on what nurses and health-care professionals have always had on hand, what they could pick up at the dollar store. It’s inspired by the raw materials, colours and ideas that members have turned into protest ammunition for the last 50 years. It is accessible and inclusive. It is for you to take apart, recreate and turn into signs, placards and posters that will help you stand out in the streets. It is the representation of the power that you’ve had all along and the continuation of decades of collective action. The key word here is collective. We’re in this together. We have the same cause even if our roles differ. We’re one ONA.
Most importantly, this brand emphasizes that ONA is a platform for local action. We’re a grassroots movement. It’s how we came to be and how we grow. This is why each of your Locals has their own ONA logo and an action kit with assorted materials to help amplify your cause. It’s time that we show every workplace, every administrator and the government that we are coming. Check in with your Bargaining Unit to get access to these branded items.